Category Archives: fitness

It is never too late to start an exercise program

Circuit strength training

exercise program

By Andy Baxter

I’m a big fan of the notion that an 80 year old muscle is no different than an 18 year old muscle in that, when confronted with sufficient resistance, both will respond by adapting and growing stronger.  I am also a big fan of the phrase, “use it or lose it.”  In the world of functional strength as it relates to an aging population’s independence and quality of life, Continue reading


A graph of age-adjusted percent of adults who ...

CAM Statistics

 By Alan E. Smith 

Every year up to 80% of Americans will make a New Year’s Resolution and every year the majority fails, usually fairly quickly.  Rather than simply repeating last year’s mistakes a growing number of people are starting to take advantage of complementary and alternative therapies (CAM) to improve their chances for success in 2011. Continue reading

Relaxing through the Holidays and Any Kind of Stress: The Key to Wellness and Good Self-Care

World Tai Chi & Qigong Day event in Rio de Jan...

Tai Chi

By Rev. Maria “Dancing Heart” Hoaglund

The holidays are coming, and sadly, this can be a time for increased stress and therefore discomfort for many people. Some of you may be grieving at this time; others may be care-giving for your parents or relatives or friends who need your love and support. And just about everyone on the planet today is facing some form of change, so these things all add to the stress and strain of life. Continue reading

Planting the Seeds of Positive Change

By Suzanne Pantazis

When a gardener gets ready to plant a garden, they always have a plan of what they would like to see growing in their garden. They don’t just randomly throw some seeds in a pile of dirt and see what happens. Instead, they will visualize in their mind, what they would like to have grow in their garden and then they choose the right seeds, they prepare the soil to give the seeds the best chance to grow and then they continue to nurture the seeds & weed their garden so that the seeds they have planted will grow into what they visualized. Continue reading

Announcing National Wellness Week-October 4th through 10th 2011

National Wellness Week
National Wellness Week

We are organizing National Wellness Week events for 2011. Please submit your ideas by emailing them to:

America’s Wellness Network

Official seal of the National Organic Program

USDA Organic

Welcome to America’s Wellness Network, bringing you the latest information on health, wellness, fitness, and longevity.   Find timely news and information to help you live a healthier and more productive life. Wellness is spiritual and psychological, as well as physical. It encompasses healthy choices, organic foods, sensible nutrition, and conventional as well as alternative medicine. Experts from around the USA are invited to share their expertise and answer questions from our readers.