Tag Archives: Positive visualization

Good Health is All in Your Mind

Illustration depicting thought.


By Sequoia Elisabeth Carpenter

The power of thought is not to be underestimated!  Your thoughts have great power and create exactly what you are thinking.  Unfortunately most thought, roughly 80-95%, is unconscious.  It is the unconscious thoughts that are producing your experience so if you think, “I am skinny”, that is great; however, this is like throwing a rubber ducky in the lake. Continue reading

Planting the Seeds of Positive Change

By Suzanne Pantazis

When a gardener gets ready to plant a garden, they always have a plan of what they would like to see growing in their garden. They don’t just randomly throw some seeds in a pile of dirt and see what happens. Instead, they will visualize in their mind, what they would like to have grow in their garden and then they choose the right seeds, they prepare the soil to give the seeds the best chance to grow and then they continue to nurture the seeds & weed their garden so that the seeds they have planted will grow into what they visualized. Continue reading